Sheffields The Moor Cycle Hub Has Arrived

Sheffields The Moor Cycle Hub Has Arrived


Community at Spokesaafe


Community at Spokesaafe

Built on top of at least 7 steep hills, there are many who think Sheffield will never be a city built for walking & wheeling. We disagree.

But with the right infrastructure, Sheffield has the potential to become the eBike capital of the UK - proving behind any doubt that the right vehicle for short journeys in urban areas is the humble bicycle.

Which is why we’ve partnered with APCOA, taking an old room with cycle racks in their Moor Market Car Park on Eyre Street and turning it into a 24/7 Cycle Hub. Open to any cyclist, you can book both long-term & short-stays instantly via the Spokesafe app.

This is a simple, no-thrills space that is easy to replicate - situated in a staffed car park, protected by CCTV, ID Verification & using Spokesafe’s purpose-built cycle parking access control system.

The Moor Cycle Hub, at a glance…

  • Bike racks: 28

  • Opening hours: 24/7

  • Facilities: eBike charging (Coming Soon)

  • Membership options:

  1. Daily £1

  2. Weekly £5

  3. Monthly £10

Spokesafe's founder Max Wilson said: "We're delighted to partner with APCOA to help reopen this facility. This type of space has the potential to become a trailblazer, all the while helping members of the local community complete more of their journeys by bike."

APCOA comment

This facility is proof that bike parking doesn’t have to be complicated. We’re looking forward to playing our small part helping Sheffield increase its modal share, and showing others across the UK that hills are no match for a bike.